This blog is about science, pseudoscience, manipulation, magic, and outright lies

Friday 11 November 2011


Well I guess I had to write something about this day. Although it is not in anyway different from any other day in the history of the universe. This is a day that will have numerologist selling more books and I am sure my old acquaintance Uri Geller have said a few things about today's date. He says that he sees the number 11 so often that it must have some kind of importance.
To realise that for the universe this is not a special time there are many things to consider. I will only point out three:
1 It is not 11-11-11 everywhere on Earth at the same time.
2 If we had a different base for our number system it would just be as any other day
3 The date is supposed to be based on the year Jesus was born, but no one knows for sure what year he was born, it is 0 +/- 7 years (or something like that).

But this doesn't imply that there is not some special meaning with 11-11-11. There is obviously a special meaning with today's date. Several people have decided to get married today, some even hope to give birth at this date (which with a caesarian is not impossible to plan). Meaning is something we humans ascribe to things and thus a random patch of space-time can be given all kinds of mystical meaning.
This is published in the last minutes of 11-11-11 CET (since I wanted to make sure that nothing special happened) making this the first day I publish two blog post on the same day so I guess 11-11-11 is special.
My point is that it is fine to believe that 11-11-11 is special because the belief that it is special will make it so. But this should of course be done with moderation since it is from the universe's perspective just another rotation of the Earth around its axis. But it has the good thing with it that the Swedish and Anglo-Saxon standard for writing dates for once coincide.

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