This blog is about science, pseudoscience, manipulation, magic, and outright lies

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Inflated news or not, it is science!

Since you are reading this blog you are probably at least slightly interested in science. That was a deduction not mind reading. And you are then aware of the fact that in the news there have been a lot of information about a recent find that seems to confirm the inflation model of the early universe. You can even see a video of one of the founders of this theory being told about the experimental finding and given empirical evidence for his idea. See it here!
If you missed it you can read about the discovery here.
This is of course very important and exciting news, but so is what you can read in this blog: In the Dark.

When exciting news appears and new evidence emerge what should be done in science is to question it. I am not qualified to say if the critique offered in the blog is valid or relevant, but what I can say is that it is scientifically motivated to try to find other possible explanations for the results of the measurements. It is scientifically motivated to try to challenge the conclusions because all scientists sooner or later need the help of their colleagues to not see only what they want to see in their data.
It is true that the theoretician Andrei Linde is a scientific hero, so are the experimentalists who did the experiment that might have found gravitational waves from the early universe. If their results are correct they will all be receiving even more praise. But the author of the In the Dark blog is also a scientific hero. Unfortunately the media will probably miss the important part that the author of the blog and many other with him play in science by looking critically at the results.
But this is what science looks like, it makes progress because people care about the truth.

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