This blog is about science, pseudoscience, manipulation, magic, and outright lies

Thursday 29 September 2011

Bok och bibliotek – Sweden's biggest book fair

As a part of my involvement in Vetenskap och folkbildning (the Swedish sceptics) I recently visited the biggest book fair in Sweden. The book fair took place between the 22nd and 25th this month and is a great place to meet some interesting people.

The first person that I ran into was Mattias Ribbing who I met earlier at a lecture he did for the Swedish Magic Circle about how to improve your memory. And the last I ran into was the expert on rhetoric Elaine Eksvärd, who I last met at the political week at Almedalen but then her name was Bergqvist (congratulations delivered).
In between these two I talked to people like Jonas Hallberg, Martin Lind, Bo Berggren, and Ulf Danielsson who all came by our booth. But I also met a lot of less famous people including a number of old classmates from my studies in physical-chemistry, psychology, rhetoric, and philosophy, don't ask me what they were all doing there. And I also met a few fans from my television appearances earlier this year.

Part of my work in the booth consisted in attracting visitors, or perhaps more aptly put luring people in once they had shown an initial interest. This is what the author Peter Olausson has to say about my contribution

Notera att publiken här varken är besökare eller utställare utan Svenska Mässans byggpojkar. När man har sitt jobb på mässan, alla dagar, så kan man tänka sig att det ska något särskilt till för att de ska stanna vid en monter och låta sig underhållas.

Note that the audience is neither visitors nor exhibitioners but the Swedish fairs construction workers. When you work at the fair, all days, you could think that something extraordinary is required in order for them to stop by a booth and be entertained.

As an additional comment I can say that they came back with some friends the next day.

In all it was a very pleasant experience to be back in Gothenburg and at the book fair. I enjoyed meeting the people that came to the boot and who worked at the boot. I also really enjoyed meeting my brothers who live in the city and other friends who reside there. I hope I will have the opportunity to go there next year as well (the fair) or perhaps sooner (the city).

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