I don't do children parties, that is supposed to be a fact, but since there are few things that are certain in life it happens once in a while that I do.
I found that the nice people in Harbo that asked me to come and do a show put up some photos on their blog so I have no hesitation to share some of the photos with my readers.
The truth is that I really like children but they can be a tough crowd to please so I usually stay with what I know best, mentalism for an adult audience.
But of course if anyone really wants a show for children that is also enjoyable for adults they can always get in touch with me.
This blog is about science, pseudoscience, manipulation, magic, and outright lies
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Monday, 2 November 2009
Mind over matter or just an illusion? My recent performance for UFO Sverige 25th October. Photo by Håkan Blomqvist.
I usually do not write about the performances and lectures that I do since I consider it to be something between me and the people that hire me.
About a week ago I did a lecture/show for UFO Sverige (a Swedish organization that studies UFO reports) and I have no problem quoting from what others have written about that event.
Unfortunately for international readers it is all in Swedish.
En av höjdpunkterna var när mentalisten/trollkarlen Per Johan Råsmark från Uppsala körde en nästan två timmar lång kombinerad show och föreläsning. Per Johan, som jag träffade på Missionskyrkan i Uppsala för en månad sedan då han bjudit in mig dit för att prata om ufo, visade sig kunna läsa tankar, böja skedar och få oss att välja de siffror och kuvert som han ville att vi skulle välja. Kul och lärorikt var det!
This was written by Clas Svahn in his report about the conference my lecture/show was a part of. Clas' blog for UFO Sverige can be found here.
Håkan Blomqvist also writes about the conference and my performance.
En fascinerande programpunkt var ett föreläsning/show av mentalisten/illusionisten Per Johan Råsmark. Han visade, med en kombination av psykologi och fingerfärdighet, att man kan lura vem som helst att man besitter magiska krafter, kan telepati, böja skedar med mera. Allt var förstås bluff men vi var många som undrade hur i alla världen det gick till. Onekligen mycket skickligt.
It is possible to read the entire blog entry from Håkan here.
UFO Sverige
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